Who are you when no one is looking?
Reserved but silly
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
I believe humans are naturally parasitic, so as much as it sucks, yes. We are living as an intelligent, rapidly growing species who takes and takes and gobbles resources. Boo. >:(
Who are you when no one is looking?
Mostly content
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Does your inside and outside connect?
In some moments I feel incredibly at peace and one with my entire vessel. Other times, I feel like my mind and body are on two completely different pages. It depends on the weather, the situation, and my mental health.
Does your inside and outside connect?
Sometimes I feel in harmony, sometimes like they are in different universes
In general, are you happy?
It's a rocky road full of ups and downs, I am both happy and sad.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel like I am just going through the motions.
Are you content with your thoughts?
No, but I am aware of what is automatic due to societal conditioning (judging, etc.) versus what I truly stand behind.
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
No, humans are trying to change the world to fit our needs and not live the natural way.
Are you confident with who you are?
Sometimes, it depends on who I'm with and/or the situation I'm in.
Who are you when no one is looking?
Not a human! Not sure if I actually exist unless people are actively engaging with my personality.
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
There is no "way" to live life.
Who are you when no one is looking?
Someone who is passionate about music and writing and might not share that with everyone. some one who is more quiet and in her head then i may seem from when i am in public.
Lily Engelmaier
Who are you when no one is looking?
I don’t know that it is possible to truly answer this, even when the physical presence of a human being is not involved we are stil culturally inclined to align to the standards we have been repeatedly shown.
Grace M R
In general, are you happy?
Yes, pretty happy with how life is going. I feel good.
Abby Meyer
Does your inside and outside connect?
Yes, most of the time.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel limited by the restrictions of what is "expected" of me.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
I feel like i want to be doing certain things that i’m not. and i’m doing some things to please my parents / people around me. I would like to be more off the grid but know i will be able to do this in time.
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
No, humans are trying to change the world to fit our needs and not live the natural way.
Are you confident with who you are?
Sometimes, it depends on who I am with and/or the situation I'm in.
Noah Guth
Does your inside and outside connect?
No, only at times, more often disconnected than not
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
I don't have what I need to do that fully
Alissa Le
Who are you when no one is looking?
I am my own child who is just full of love and silliness and energy.
Who are you when no one is looking?
Upset with how grocery stores have the audacity to sell frozen blueberries for $2.99 but fresh ones for $5.99, livid
Who are you when no one is looking?
An alien
Laura Koszer
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
No, humans are living in constant competition that is destroying not only our physical resources but also the general positivity in the world.
Are you content with your thoughts?
I am who I am, from the inside out.
Who are you when no one is looking?
In general, are you happy?
It's a rocky road full of ups and downs, I am both happy and sad.
Are you content with your thoughts?
Jared Lazansky
In general, are you happy?
Yes, but I could be happier.
Who are you when no one is looking?
A vessel seeking knowledge and guidance
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel like I am just going through the motions.
Reese Diaz
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
It depends on the day. Some days I'll make a lot of progress personally and artistically and other days I just feel like a robot, going through the motions
Who are you when no one is looking?
I don't know and that might be the worst part
Does your inside and outside connect?
Yes, I am in harmony with myself.
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
There is no "way" to live life.
Are you confident with who you are?
Sometimes, it depends on who I'm with and/or the situation I'm in.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
Who are you when no one is looking?
My complete kinda weird self
Who are you when no one is looking?
I think I am very much less 'formed' in the sense that I am not necessarily shaping my thoughts or actions for a specific context. I usually look the furthest outward (into trees and the sky and anything else) when I am not being seen, and yet find it easiest in this space to find an internal balance. I'd like to think that my personal values and desire to add meaningful good to the world, whatever that might mean at the given moment, stay relatively consistent regardless of if someone is looking or not. That is not to say that I do not desire change or growth, which are both ironically constant in being things that I pursue regardless of if someone is looking or not.
Does your inside and outside connect?
At times, it really depends on my mood and the weather
Answers kept private
Are you content with your thoughts?
No, but I am aware of what is automatic due to societal conditioning versus what I truly stand behind.
Who are you when no one is looking?
Walled in
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
Not sure what the way we are supposed to be living actually is
Nachi Lederer
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Who are you when no one is looking?
I'm a more vulnerable version of myself. I overthink a lot and the thoughts that often cross my mind are the ones I am afraid to show. I usually address them when no one is looking. When no one is looking, I am unapologetically me. The positive me as well as someone who's trying to deal with the baggage life throws her way. When you're with people you want to have an exterior and seem sorted but really you're just like everyone else.
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Who are you when no one is looking?
My boss ass bitch self
Thomas Riley
Who are you when no one is looking?
Sensitive and Determined
Riley A
Are you confident with who you are?
Yes when I am alone, only sometimes when I'm with others.
Shaye Harrer
Are you confident with who you are?
No, but I am trying to be
Who are you when no one is looking?
Myself i don’t know how to be anyone else as cheesy as it sounds. I never allow myself to change for anyone and that’s hard but that’s something i have been working on the past year. lncluding changing for myself when no one is looking.
Does your inside and outside connect?
No, they feel like two separate beings.
Who are you when no one is looking?
The complete opposite of what people think I am
In general, are you happy?
Yes, pretty happy with how life is going. I feel good.
Who are you when no one is looking?
I don't know
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel like I am just going through the motions.
In general, are you happy?
Yes, but I could be happier
Who are you when no one is looking?
I am someone who cares and hopes for the best.
Does your inside and outside connect?
Sometimes I can feel really connected with myself or really dissociated
Who are you when no one is looking?
I'm like a rat
Kailey Kloiber
Are you content with your thoughts?
I am who I am, from the inside out.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
Are you confident with who you are?
Sometimes, it depends on who I'm with and/or the situation I'm in.
Does your inside and outside connect?
Amy Miller Sams
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
Wesley D
Who are you when no one is looking?
Headphones in, music on.
Giuseppina Dematteo
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
I'm going through the motions and also feel restricted by what is "expected of me because of where I am in life and the choices I've made that led me here."
Does your inside and outside connect?
Most of the time! I notice when they move from yes to two separate beings, usually is the onset of a dissociative period and those aren't the greatest.
Emma Frontera
Who are you when no one is looking?
A sloth
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
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Are you living your life the way you'd like to be
Yes, I made a change and am now conscious of the way I live.
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Who are you when no one is looking?
A girl singing loud in her car trying to figure shit out
Finlay Holden
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
In some aspects yes, but in others no
Jacob Snyder
Who are you when no one is looking?
Truly myself.
Tyler Perez
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel like I am just going through the motions.
Are you confident with who you are?
Sometimes, it depends on who I'm with and/or the situation I'm in.
In general, are you happy?
Are you content with your thoughts?
I am who I am, from the inside out.
Who are you when no one is looking?
My true self. Relaxed, funny, weird, free from all societal pressures and able to be who I really am.
Shanyn Kaiser
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
Who are you when no one is looking?
Are you confident with who you are?
Yes in the majority of situations but sometimes I can have an irrational feeling that I'm almost like an 'imposter', that what I'm doing isn't original, even though I'm really happy with who I am and the people I've surrounded myself with and the interests that I've pursued.
Shenu Kathymoon
Answers kept private.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
I don't know what I want
Are you content with your thoughts?
Who are you when no one is looking?
Too high to answer this, but that is an answer in and of itself.
Does your inside and outside connect?
Who are you when no one is looking?
Hopefully a good person
Scarlet Li
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
Depends on the human
Answers kept private.
Does your inside and outside connect?
Depending on mood, I am either in connection with my inner self or my outer and inner are on two different planes
Who are you when no one is looking?
I am an amazing dancer, laughing in the rain, and I can talk to wildlife. I am creative and a perfectionist and secretly think I could be an amazing spy.
Are you confident with who you are?
No, but I am trying to be.
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
I don't think there's a "way," but I think that what is happening, is happening because it is supposed to.
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
No, I feel like I am just going through the motions.
Who are you when no one is looking?
The complete opposite of what people think I am
Hannah Tacke
Who are you when no one is looking?
Nicolas Cage
Answers kept private
Naomi Liechty
Are you living your life the way you'd like to be?
Yes, but I don't think it's the way I should be.
Are you content with your thoughts?
I'm content with my thoughts but sometimes think things I don't believe
Does your inside and outside connect?
Who are you when no one is looking?
More humble than expected
Who are you when no one is looking?
Hopeless romantic
Are humans living life the way we are meant to be?
No, but we can't reverse course, only option is to go forward whether that be straight ahead or 179 degrees to the right.
Who are you when no one is looking?
Sleeping, and a complete goof. I dance and sing louder than imaginable when I'm alone.